Frequently Asked Questions

for all those little doubts on your mind.

This is a shared platform for experts as well as knowledge seekers among rural communities who are engaged in agriculture and allied sectors and who are particularly working with FPOs. We wish to transfer our knowledge to Farmers, NGOs, Entrepreneurs as well as students who are seeking career opportunities in this sector and who want to endeavor in agribusiness initiatives. So we provide business Development consultancy service as well as conduct online and offline courses for knowledge sharing.

We are linked to many organizations and currently working with many FPOs as a facilitating agency under the NABARD, SFAC and NAFED projects, so we can definitely link the job seekers to the respective vacancies in the Development Sector.

We facilitate FPOs and entrepreneurs to identify business ideas through market analysis and support them to commence business operations. We also helping marketing and networking.

Students of Agriculture and Allied Courses, Farmers, Member of Farmer Producer Organizations, NGOs, Entrepreneurs and anyone interested to learn more about agri-business can do our courses.

We work on live projects for formation of FPOs and are well equipped in resolving the issues faced by FPOs throughout their lifecycle. So we can help other FPOs, CBBOs and FPO facilitators in resolving their specific issues.

Along with theoretical and technical knowledge, our diligently designed courses will build your capacity to work or endeavor in the Rural Development Sector. If Members of Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs) complete these courses, they will be able make their organizations sustainable in the long run and also can solve the current issues faced by their FPOs. The modules are designed looking at the FPO lifecycle, so it covers all aspects and domains of FPO management.

Yes, just click here to register yourself with your email ID or Phone number. You will get help within 2 working days.

Yes you can call on our number on 83296 94425 in working time and you will get complete counselling and guidance or you can fill this form to get assistance. Fill The Form

FPO - Farmer Producer Organization are registered or non-registered institute or group of farmers working together for a common goal. When a FPO is legally registered, it is then termed as FPC - Farmer Producer Company.

Producer Companies (PCs) can be constituted by the Primary Producers like Farmers (Land holders as well as tenants), Artisans, Milk Producers, Honey Cultivators, Silk Cultivators etc. The FPCs have to be registered as a Private Company under the Companies Act with minimum 10 people as its members.

We provide 360 degree support to the FPOs and CBBOs (FPO Facilitators), FPO Promoters, Government Officials and Corporates. Our services include Baseline Survey, FPO Registration, Market Linkage, Equity Grant Proposal Preparation, Business Plan Development and Execution, Audit, Licenses, Scheme Linkage, Financial Sourcing, Convergence.

FPOs/FPCs, Agri Experts, Institutional buyers, Consumers, Trainers, Service Providers/Consultant, CBBO/RI/POPI, Fellowship Seekers & Providers.